Accounting books

Księgi-rachunkowe-(pełna-księgowość---topAccounting books (Comprehensive accounting)

The obligation to keep accounting books concerns limited commercial companies , that is joint stock companies and limited liability companies, as well as commercial partnerships, that is  limited partnerships and private unlimited  company with share capital. Comprehensive accounting kept by civil companies, general partnerships , limited liability partnerships of physical persons and physical persons conducting business activity depends on the fulfilment of the condition specified in the Accounting Act.

Comprehensive accounting is the most developed, complicated and thoroughly formalized system of evidence of economic incidents occurring in the company. Keeping accounting books, apart from being the fulfilment of the statutory obligation, also serves the purposes of control, analysis of the financial situation and allows for the generation of information from the area of managerial accounting which helps company’s managers to make decisions.

Each unit which keeps accounting books is obliged to compile a financial statement.

The range of our services includes:

  • keeping accounting books – the main book, auxiliary books, entering the documents into the books – invoices of sale, purchase, bank statements, cash reports, internal invoices and other bookkeeping documents as well as control over documents in terms of formality and accounting and reporting lacking information or mistakes noticed,
  • calculation of the advance for the income tax,
  • compilation of the equipment evidence, fixed assets and non-material and legal values, arrangement of the annual amortization plan and settlement of monthly amortization charges
  • settlement of costs concerning the usage of vehicles on the basis of the maintained mileage logbook
  • keeping VAT registers, settlement of VAT tax, compilation of  VAT declarations,
  • settlement of intra-community transactions, export/import of commodities and services – issuing invoices, compilation of VAT-UE declarations, tax settlements of customs documents,
  • settlement of the costs between the periods,
  • informing about receivables and liabilities,
  • answering to the client’s questions concerning settlements with the business partner and agreement on balances,
  • on clients’ demand – the compilation of monthly reports
  • the annual tax settlement, compilation of the annual tax declarations,
  • storing the economic documentation,
  • counsel in the area of conducting economic activity, social insurance, financial and bookkeeping issues, staff and remuneration matters and other matter connected with bookkeeping.


Do you want to know more about accounting books? – feel free to contact us.