Safe and punctual accounting.

We specialize in comprehensive bookkeeping  services as well as handling staff and remuneration matters for micro, small and medium enterprises. We guarantee individualized and personal assistance for each client.

We pride ourselves in our experience gathered for many years in the course of which we have been working with companies of various activity profiles. We provide services in Polish and English.

A tailor-made offer

We invite all those in to contact us who need assistance of  an experienced and professional accounting office.

We can boast of many years of experience in working with companies of various business profiles.

We provide services in Polish and English.

(kliknij by zmienić język)

An experienced team you can trust

Our team consists of young experts, open to clients’ needs and dedicated to establishing the principles for thorough and professional cooperation.

We possess necessary qualifications entitling us to the provision of bookkeeping and tax evidence services confirmed by Bookkeeping Certificates as well as we have civil liability insurance.


Lat doświadczenia


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Bartłomiej Kowalik


Piotr Czubaszek



Samodzielna Księgowa, Członek Zarządu


Agnieszka Ostrowska

14 Lat doświadczenia w biurach rachunkowych


Joanna wiaderek

Absolwentka kierunku finanse i rachunkowość




Our offer

Tax Card

the simplest form of taxation which is offered by Polish tax regulations for physical persons to settle their activity. 

Tax on recorded revenue without deductible costs

a simplified form of taxing business activity. The tax is paid from the income, without the possibility to lower it by costs which were born to gain this income. Every entrepreneur who conducts business activity individually or a personal company. 


Podatkowa księga przychodów i rozchodów to najczęściej preferowana forma prowadzenia księgowości przeznaczona dla osób fizycznych, spółek cywilnych, jawnych i partnerskich, których przychody nie przekroczyły kwoty 1,2 mln Euro.

Accounting books

The obligation to keep accounting books concerns limited commercial companies , that is joint stock companies and limited liability companies, as well as commercial partnerships, that is  limited partnerships and private unlimited  company with share capital.

Staff and Remuneration

The advantage of outsourcing of staff and remuneration services is, first of all: lowered costs generated by staff and remuneration administration department.


If you wish to run your own business, you have got an idea but you are confused in the jungle of provisions or you simply do not have time to settle all the formalities connected with establishing business activity – leave it to us.

Business activity

We will prepare all the necessary documents and we will deal with all the formalities so that you can start your activity within several days. 

Setting up commercial law companies

If you wish to enjoy owning an enterprises, you have to deal with numerous formalities and therefore, we meet your expectations. You grant us power of attorney and we will settle everything for you.

Przekaż swoją księgowość w dobre ręce

Wychodząc na przeciw oczekiwaniom Klientów zawsze dopasowujemy wycenę naszych usług do wymagań konkretnego klienta. Do sporządzenia indywidualnej oferty potrzebujemy kilku istotnych informacji, których podanie ułatwi wypełnienie kwestionariusza zgłoszeniowego .

Pozostańmy w kontakcie

ul. Wincentego Rzymowskiego 28
piętro 2 lok. 2.
02-697 Warszawa

Telefon: 786 861 356